Volume 19, No. 1, 2022
Web 3.0 Application to Improve the Digital Skills of University Teachers
Giancarlo Roosvelt Contreras Moreno, Héctor Raúl Santa María Relaiza, Katherine Talía Ganoza Salazar, Lizbeth Giovanna Toribio Alejo and José Elias Plasencia Latour
Pages: 1966-1977
DOI: 10.14704/WEB/V19I1/WEB19133
Implementation of Green Hospital Service Nutrition through Knowledge and Training on Improving Work Ability
Syafri Arief, Gunawan, Dwi Sihwinarti, Nilna Muna, Dewi Urip Wahyuni and Made Setini
Pages: 1978-1991
DOI: 10.14704/WEB/V19I1/WEB19134
Non-functional Requirements Elicitation in Agile Base Models
Devendra Kumar, Anil Kumar and Laxman Singh
Pages: 1992-2018
DOI: 10.14704/WEB/V19I1/WEB19135
A Study on Trend and Pattern of Beneficiaries of Prime Minister Employment Generation Scheme
Kunal Dhananjay M Borkar, Prof Anthony Rodrigues and Alroy A.S. Mascarenhas
Pages: 2019-2027
DOI: 10.14704/WEB/V19I1/WEB19136
Employment of IOT Architecture and Genetic Algorithm for Early Diagnosis of Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19)
Ahmed Raee AL-Mhanawi, Alaa Sabeeh Salim, Hussein Ali Rasool and Hayder Makki Sabti
Pages: 2028-2037
DOI: 10.14704/WEB/V19I1/WEB19137
Analysis of Readiness to Organize Learning from Home for Early Childhood during the COVID 19 Pandemic Period in Indonesia
Ismaniar, Abdul Rahmat, Mintarsih Arbarini and Abd Hamid Isa
Pages: 2038-2053
DOI: 10.14704/WEB/V19I1/WEB19138
Network Attacks Detection Depend on Majority Voting – Weighted Average for Feature Selection and Various Machine Learning Approaches
Hasanain Ali Al Essa and Wesam S. Bhaya
Pages: 2054-2066
DOI: 10.14704/WEB/V19I1/WEB19139
Developing a UID in Software Engineering Depending on Multimedia
Tawfeeq Mokdad Tawfeeq, Marwa Adeeb Al-jawaherry and Ashraf Abdulmunim Abdulmajeed
Pages: 2067-2087
DOI: 10.14704/WEB/V19I1/WEB19140
Investigation of Different CW Laser Parameters for 640 Gbps DWDM Transceiver System
Ehsan M. Abbas and Maan M. Abdulwahid
Pages: 2088-2103
DOI: 10.14704/WEB/V19I1/WEB19141
Determinant of Citizens’ Acceptance of E-government: Examining Semi-online Tax Filing System in Indonesia
Muamar Nur Kholid and Depi Nurmala Sari
Pages: 2104-2121
DOI: 10.14704/WEB/V19I1/WEB19142
World Scientific Production on Education and COVID 19: A Bibliometric Analysis
Julio E. Postigo-Zumarán, Christian Esteban Gómez Carrión, Ruth Asela Saravia Alviar, Milagro Baldemar Quiroz Calderón and Dennis Arias-Chávez
Pages: 2122-2137
DOI: 10.14704/WEB/V19I1/WEB19143
Scientific Production on Social Networks during the COVID 19 Pandemic
Dennis Arias-Chávez, Roger Wilfredo Asencios Espejo, Richard Cervantes Juro, Jessica Camayo Tovar and José Elias Plasencia Latour
Pages: 2138-2151
DOI: 10.14704/WEB/V19I1/WEB19144
In Mobile Adhoc Networks, a Trustworithness of Data Transmission Using HTCMR
M. Anugraha and Dr.S.H. Krishnaveni
Pages: 2152-2163
DOI: 10.14704/WEB/V19I1/WEB19145
Tourism and Pollution: Investigating Impact on Bali Island of Sunderbans Tiger Reserve, West Bengal, India
Ananya Ghosh, Parikshit Sharma and Pawan Gupta
Pages: 2164-2169
DOI: 10.14704/WEB/V19I1/WEB19146
Face Recognition Method based on Support Vector Machine and Rain Optimization Algorithm (ROA)
Zahraa Modher Nabat, Mushtaq Talib Mahdi and Shaymaa Abdul Hussein Shnain
Pages: 2170-2181
DOI: 10.14704/WEB/V19I1/WEB19147
Improved MANET Routing Protocols Performance by Using Hybrid Cat and Particle Swarm Optimization (CPSO)
Ahmed Adnan Hadi , Seyed Vahab AL-Din Makki
Pages: 2182-2195
DOI: 10.14704/WEB/V19I1/WEB19148
An Analytical Approach to Big Data Issues in the Health Care Sector Using R Model & Hadoop
Qusay Abdullah Abed
Pages: 2196-2203
DOI: 10.14704/WEB/V19I1/WEB19149
Testing the Efficiency of Wireless Service Indicators
Maryam Ghazi Ali, Sameer Saud Dakhel and Sadiq Sahep Majeed
Pages: 2204-2212
DOI: 10.14704/WEB/V19I1/WEB19150
Big Data and its Reflection on the Qualitative Characteristics of Accounting Information
Dr. Selma Mansour Saad and Dr. Khadija Jomaa Muter
Pages: 2213-2234
DOI: 10.14704/WEB/V19I1/WEB19151
Transformation of Commercial Banks and Management of their Sustainable Development
Abdyldaeva Umut Maratovna, Murzalieva Elnura Idirisbekovna and Askarova Aynura Kanybekovna
Pages: 2235-2244
DOI: 10.14704/WEB/V19I1/WEB19152
The Effectiveness of Measuring in Supply Chain Operations of E-Marketers
Phu An Nguyen, Dr Shouvik Sanyal, Hat Dang Nguyen, Dr. Chapala Bohidar, Augustine Okeke and Chutimon Narawish
Pages: 2245-2264
DOI: 10.14704/WEB/V19I1/WEB19153
Measurement and Analysis of Environmental Costs in the General Company for Electricity Production, Central Region: An Applied Research in the First Station south of Baghdad
Atheer Ali Abdulkadhim and Mustafa Waleed Zghair
Pages: 2265-2278
DOI: 10.14704/WEB/V19I1/WEB19154
Examination of Hotel Management Aspirants' Perspectives Towards A Career in the Technologically Inclined Hospitality Sector—Special Reference to the Housekeeping Industry
Priyanka Verma, Dr. Malini Singh and Dr. Neeraj Aggarwal
Pages: 2279-2293
DOI: 10.14704/WEB/V19I1/WEB19155
Semantic Segmentation of Urban Street Scenes Using Deep Learning
Amani Y. Noori, Dr. Shaimaa H. Shaker and Dr. Raghad Abdulaali Azeez
Pages: 2294-2306
DOI: 10.14704/WEB/V19I1/WEB19156
Resource Allocation Computing Algorithm for UAV Dynamical Statements based on AI Technology
Vadim Kovalenko, Anna Rodakova, Hamza Mohammed Ridha Al-Khafaji, Artem Volkov, Ammar Muthanna and Andrey Koucheryavy
Pages: 2307-2319
DOI: 10.14704/WEB/V19I1/WEB19157