Volume 19, No. 1, 2022
Problems of Character Creation in Animation Films of Uzbekistan
Nigora Tohirjonovna Haydarova
Pages: 1587-1592
DOI: 10.14704/WEB/V19I1/WEB19106
A Novel Image Encryption Approach for IoT Applications
Wasan A. Alawsi, Hadab Khalid Obayes and Saba M. Hussain
Pages: 1593-1606
DOI: 10.14704/WEB/V19I1/WEB19107
Development of Scalable Coding of Encrypted Images Using Enhanced Block Truncation Code
Jeya Bright Pankiraj, Vishnuvarthanan Govindaraj, Yudong Zhang, Pallikonda Rajasekaran Murugan and Anisha Milton
Pages: 1620-1639
DOI: 10.14704/WEB/V19I1/WEB19109
Efficiency Improvement in IoT Use for Elderly NCD Patients in Malaysia: Extending the Practical Implementation of Theory of Planned Behavior
Dr. Chinnasamy Agamudainambhi Malarvizhi, Dr. Sreenivasan Jayashree, Dr. Abdullah Al Mamun, Dr.V. Umasri and Dr. Amaleswaran Anbarasan
Pages: 1640-1650
DOI: 10.14704/WEB/V19I1/WEB19110
Performance of Bureaucracy in Implementing the Issuance of Trade Business License
Irtanto and Widodo Djati Sasongko
Pages: 1651-1665
DOI: 10.14704/WEB/V19I1/WEB19111
Gender Identification from Speech Recognition Using Machine Learning Techniques and Convolutional Neural Networks
Hanan Qassim Jaleel, Jane Jaleel Stephan and Sinan A. Naji
Pages: 1666-1688
DOI: 10.14704/WEB/V19I1/WEB19112
2D Geometric Object Shapes Detection and Classification
Mokhtar M. Hasan, Noor A. Ibraheem and Noor M. Abdulhadi
Pages: 1689-1702
DOI: 10.14704/WEB/V19I1/WEB19113
A Proposed ConvXGBoost Model for Human Activity Recognition with Multi Optimizers
Rana Abdulrahman Lateef and Dr. Ayad Rodhan Abbas
Pages: 1703-1715
DOI: 10.14704/WEB/V19I1/WEB19114
Intelligent Image Enhancement System based on Similarity Pixels
Nuha Jameel Ibrahim, Yossra Hussain Ali and Tarik Ahmed Rashid
Pages: 1731-1749
DOI: 10.14704/WEB/V19I1/WEB19116
Development of Electronic Elections Systems: A Review
Hind Salman, Dr. Rehab Hasan and Dr. Ekhlas K. Gbashi
Pages: 1750-1762
DOI: 10.14704/WEB/V19I1/WEB19117
The Effectiveness of Training Courses Provided to Social Education Teachers Using e-Learning Tools in Light of the Corona Pandemic from their Point of View
Amneh Zakariah Alsarayrah
Pages: 1763-1781
DOI: 10.14704/WEB/V19I1/WEB19118
Existence of Dependent Rights Guarantee Binding Related to Financing of Musyarakah Facilities in Islamic Banking
Pages: 1782-1797
DOI: 10.14704/WEB/V19I1/WEB19119
Gender Preference of Parents and its Effect on School Children's Activity
Siti Wahidah, Bakhrul Khair Amal, Dina Ampera, Mhd. Lailan Arqam and Anwar Soleh Purba
Pages: 1798-1814
DOI: 10.14704/WEB/V19I1/WEB19120
Effect of Intellectual Capital on Organizational Performance Moderated by Cultural
Endah Prawesti Ningrum and Regina Jansen Arsyah
Pages: 1815-1823
DOI: 10.14704/WEB/V19I1/WEB19121
Syariah Technology Financial Potential to Reach Non-bank Financing
Matdio Siahaan, Samuel PD Anantadjaya, I Made Gede Ariestova Kurniawan and Anwar Soleh Purba
Pages: 1824-1833
DOI: 10.14704/WEB/V19I1/WEB19122
Image Segmentation based Deep Learning for Biliary Tree Diagnosis
Mohammad AL-Oudat, Mohammad Azzeh, Hazem Qattous, Ahmad Altamimi and Saleh Alomari
Pages: 1834-1849
DOI: 10.14704/WEB/V19I1/WEB19123
Learning Validation Control and Input Error Correction on Implementation of Computer Assisted Audit Techniques (CAATS) (Review New Trends in Sustainable Development of Learning Education Management Models for the Accounting Student)
Abdillah Arif Nasution, Erlina, Iskandar Muda and Agung Wahyudhi Atmanegara
Pages: 1850-1861
DOI: 10.14704/WEB/V19I1/WEB19124
The Environmental Index of Kuwait: Ways and Chances of Development
Dr. Fatena F R Abuamer
Pages: 1862-1871
DOI: 10.14704/WEB/V19I1/WEB19125
Perceptions of Faculty Members in Southern Jordan Faculties about the Effectiveness of Electronic Educational Platforms in Developing e-learning Learning Skills
Amal Mohammad Alsarayrah
Pages: 1872-1891
DOI: 10.14704/WEB/V19I1/WEB19126
Attitudes Towards Remote Classes, Motivational Strategies in Teaching Practice in Peru
Isabel Menacho-Vargas, Luz Emérita Cervera Cajo, Yeny Flora Condori Lazarte, Aura Elisa Quiñones Li, Damiana Flores Mamani and Luis Alberto Núñez Lira
Pages: 1892-1902
DOI: 10.14704/WEB/V19I1/WEB19127
Inverted Classroom in Self-regulated Learning during the Covid-19 Pandemic in University Students
Juan Carlos Chumacero Calle, Marya Graciela Barzola Loayza, Christian Esteban Gómez Carrión, Ruth Asela Saravia Alviar and July Rivera-Zamudio
Pages: 1903-1914
DOI: 10.14704/WEB/V19I1/WEB19128
Environmental Awareness in University Students According to Gender and Age
Jessica Paola Palacios Garay, Jenny Marianella Zavaleta Oliver, Julio Javier Montano Barbuda, Luis Alberto Torres García, Mitchell Alberto Alarcón Díaz and July Rivera-Zamudio
Pages: 1915-1929
DOI: 10.14704/WEB/V19I1/WEB19129
ICT in the Learning of Phonology in University Students of a Public University in Lima
Julio Rodolfo Martínez Quisñay, Óscar Alberto Urbano Ayala, Carlos Jacinto La Rosa Longobardi, Luis Alberto Núñez Lira and Víctor Angel Ancajima Miñan
Pages: 1930-1944
DOI: 10.14704/WEB/V19I1/WEB19130
Transformational Leadership in Interpersonal Relationships and Collaborative Work of the Managers of a Local Management Unit, Peru
Aura Elisa Quiñones Li, Isabel Menacho-Vargas, Sara Pamela Sánchez Sandoval, Luz Emerita Cervera Cajo and Rosa Diana Pedroza San Miguel
Pages: 1945-1957
DOI: 10.14704/WEB/V19I1/WEB19131
Use of WhatsApp in Synchronous and Asynchronous Education in Students of the IV Cycle of Peruvian basic Education
William Eduardo Mory Chiparra, Guido Rene Suca-Apaza, Ediht Geobana Rosales-Dominguez, Dino Fernando Mosquera-Torres, Ana Yuli Alarcón-Trillo and Jean Paul Suazo-Zárate
Pages: 1958-1965
DOI: 10.14704/WEB/V19I1/WEB19132