Volume 19, No. 1, 2022
Evaluating the Effectiveness of E-learning: Based on Academic Staff Evaluation
Khansaa Azeez Obayes Al-Husseini, Ali Hamzah Obaid and Ola Najah Kadhim
Pages: 367-379
DOI: 10.14704/WEB/V19I1/WEB19027
Fingerprint Identification System Using Half Smoothing Filters
Zaid A. Abdulkader
Pages: 406-418
DOI: 10.14704/WEB/V19I1/WEB19029
Modified Salp Swarm Optimization Algorithm (MSSOA) based Implementation of Intelligent Fault Detection and Isolation System for Smart Wireless Sensor Network
Mohammed H. Hadi, Abbas Hussain Issa and Atheer Alaa Sabri
Pages: 419-433
DOI: 10.14704/WEB/V19I1/WEB19030
The Impact of a Proposed Science Curriculum based on Digital Technologies on Students' Achievement and Motivation towards Learning Science
Eiad Abdulhalim Mohammad Alnajjar
Pages: 434-446
DOI: 10.14704/WEB/V19I1/WEB19031
An Inefficient Urban Co-operative Credit Societies Moving towards Efficiency Frontier – D.E.A. Approach
Dr. Suraj M. Popker and Dr. Amrut Fati Naik
Pages: 447-457
DOI: 10.14704/WEB/V19I1/WEB19032
Challenges to Scaling up Mhealth in Ghana. A Framework for Assessing the Health System
Nana Kwame Gyamfi, Richard Dayie and Eric Kofi Asiedu
Pages: 458-479
DOI: 10.14704/WEB/V19I1/WEB19033
Application of Artificial Intelligence Techniques in Educational Delivery; Ghana Perspective
Nana Kwame Gyamfi, Richard Dayie and Eric Kofi Asiedu
Pages: 480-492
DOI: 10.14704/WEB/V19I1/WEB19034
Assessing Reasons for Choosing Entrepreneurship: A Study with Reference to Women Entrepreneurs from Punjab, India
Leena Malhotra, Dr. Rakesh Kumar and Dr. Raminder Pal Singh
Pages: 493-507
DOI: 10.14704/WEB/V19I1/WEB19035
Hybrid Intrusion Detection System based on DNA Encoding, Teiresias Algorithm and Clustering Method
Omar Fitian Rashid and Mazin S. Al-Hakeem
Pages: 508-520
DOI: 10.14704/WEB/V19I1/WEB19036
Work-life Stress and Life Quality of Married Women among Self Financing College Teachers in Kerala
Aiswarya V Kumar and V.P. Velmurugan
Pages: 521-534
DOI: 10.14704/WEB/V19I1/WEB19037
The Contribution of Cultural Dimensions towards the Overall Organizational Culture and its Impact on Employee Performance in the IT Companies in Kerala
Shamnad Shamsudin, Dr.VP. Velmurugan and Dr.VR. Hareendrakumar
Pages: 551-570
DOI: 10.14704/WEB/V19I1/WEB19039
System Application E-dashboard on the Performance of Worker Motivation as an Intervening Variable Special Child Guidance on Institutions
Hendra Hadiwijaya, Febrianty and Rezania Agramanisti Azdy
Pages: 571-580
DOI: 10.14704/WEB/V19I1/WEB19040
Prediction Secondary Protein Structure from Images of Amino Acid by Using Harr - like Features in Support Vector Machine
Nahla Ibraheem Jabbar
Pages: 581-591
DOI: 10.14704/WEB/V19I1/WEB19041
Word Sense Disambiguation for Lexicon-based Sentiment Analysis in Hindi
Dhanashree. S. Kulkarni and Dr. Sunil. F. Rodd
Pages: 592-600
DOI: 10.14704/WEB/V19I1/WEB19042
Detection of DME by Classification and Segmentation Using OCT Images
Praveen Mittal and Charul Bhatnagar
Pages: 601-612
DOI: 10.14704/WEB/V19I1/WEB19043
A Comprehensive Survey on Face Detection Techniques
Ali Nadhim Razzaq, Rozaida Ghazali, Nidhal Khdhair El Abbadi and Mohammad Dosh
Pages: 613-628
DOI: 10.14704/WEB/V19I1/WEB19044
Presenting a Protocol to Increase IOT-Based Security
Ali Mohammadiounotikandi
Pages: 629-645
DOI: 10.14704/WEB/V19I1/WEB19045
An Evaluation on Speech Recognition Technology based on Machine Learning
Dr. Tribhuwan Kumar, Klinge Orlando Villalba-Condori, Dennis Arias-Chavez, K. Rajesh, M. Kalyan Chakravarthi and Dr.S. Suman Rajest
Pages: 646-663
DOI: 10.14704/WEB/V19I1/WEB19046
Implementation and Comparison of File Security Using AES, DES and RSA and Anomaly Detection in Videos Using Convolutional Auto Encoder
Sini Anna Alex, A. Parkavi, Rakshita N Patil, Anita Kanavalli and Nandish Mahadev Karki
Pages: 664-675
DOI: 10.14704/WEB/V19I1/WEB19047
Image Processing for Improvement of Facial Keypoints Detector
Adhi Kusnadi, Leondy, Lianna Nathania, Ivransa Zuhdi Pane, Marlinda Vasty Overbeek and Syarief Gerald Prasetya
Pages: 676-691
DOI: 10.14704/WEB/V19I1/WEB19048
Localization in Wireless Sensor Network
Ayam Tawfeek Ahmed, Ahmed Noori Rashid and Khalid Shaker
Pages: 692-704
DOI: 10.14704/WEB/V19I1/WEB19049
Comparative Analysis of the Learning on KDD Cup 2015 Dataset
S. Nithya and Dr.S. Umarani
Pages: 705-717
DOI: 10.14704/WEB/V19I1/WEB19050
Types of Attacks in Wireless Communication Networks
Teeb Hussein Hadi
Pages: 718-728
DOI: 10.14704/WEB/V19I1/WEB19051
article under process
Pages: 729-779
Analysis of Marketing Strategies in Dealing with Business Competition (Study on Ruba Muri Ikat Weaving MSME in Kupang City)
Juita L.D Bessie, Anderias S.W. Langga and Deitje N.S. Sunbanu
Pages: 780-794
DOI: 10.14704/WEB/V19I1/WEB19055