Volume 18, No. 5, 2021
A Graph-Based Approach to the Disambiguation of Multiple Languages
Surendra Shukla , Dibyahash Bordoloi , Bhasker Pant
Pages: 3372-3377
Planning And Construction of a High-Tech Garage Door
Dibyahash Bordoloi , Surendra Shukla
Pages: 3378-3384
Taking a Look at the Effects of Climate Change on Different Modes of Transportation
Sanjeev Kumar , Nikhil Garg , Rajesh Upadhyay
Pages: 3385-3395
Enhancing Network Security with A Hybrid Cryptography Method
Durgaprasad Gangodkar , Vrince Vimal
Pages: 3396-3401
Research on the Effects of Fly Ash and Silica Fume as Partial Replacements in Self-Compacting Concrete
Sanjeev Kumar , Nikhil Garg , Anoop Bahuguna
Pages: 3402-3408
An Examination of the Implementation of Finite Automata in Component-Based Testing
Durgaprasad Gangodkar , Vrince Vimal
Pages: 3409-3415
Using Apache Spark Streaming and Kafka to Perform Face Recognition on Live Video Streams of Pedestrians
Vikas Tripathi , Durgaprasad Gangodkar , Devesh Pratap Singh , Dibyahash Bordoloi
Pages: 3416-3423
A Computational Study of the Blast Furnace Cooling Stave Based on the Analysis of Heat Transfer
Pravin P Patil , ReshamTaluja
Pages: 3424-3432
TPA in Cloud Computing Needs Secure and Reliable Cloud Services
Prabhdeep Singh , Rupa Khanna Malhotra
Pages: 3433-3439
The SFL Algorithm Is Used to Generate Electrical Power at A Low Cost
Ashutosh Dixit , Sandeep Sunori
Pages: 3440-3445
Challenges Facing Industrial Companies in Zimbabwe in Maintaining: A Case Study of a Textile Engineering Firm
Rupa Khanna Malhotra , Narendra Singh Bohra , Rajesh Upadhyay
Pages: 3446-3455
A Novel Method for Assessing Auto-Fluorescent Trends in Age-Related Fundus Degeneration During Systemic Infusion of Bavecizumab Medicine
Durgaprasad Gangodkar, Dibyahash Bordoloi
Pages: 3456-3459
Investigation on Structural Steel Self-Compacting Concrete with Fly Ash as a Partial substitute for cement and Slag Cement with Granite Powder
Nikhil Garg , Anoop Bahuguna
Pages: 3460-3466
Voltage Source Inverter Filter with Improved Proportional Gain for Dynamic Power and Melodies Mitigation in Three-Phase Three-Wire Distribution Systems
Parvesh Saini , Sandeep Sunori
Pages: 3467-3473
A Regional Futures and options Pattern and Gabor Filter Approach to Fabric Defect Detection
Pravin P Patil , ReshamTaluja
Pages: 3474-3481
Seismic Behavior of Bamboo and Steel: A Shake Table Comparison
Sanjeev Kumar , Nikhil Garg , Ajay Kumar Singh
Pages: 3482-3487
Superiority of Service AM Route, PUMA, and ODMRP: Optimisation of Multipathing Routing Algorithms in Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks
Surendra Shukla , Bhasker Pant , Dibyahash Bordoloi
Pages: 3488-3493
An Analysis of Cloud Computing, a New Computing Model
Prabhdeep Singh , Dibyahash Bordoloi , Vikas Tripathi , Durgaprasad Gangodkar , Devesh Pratap Singh
Pages: 3494-3501
A Holographic Revolution that Will Change Everything
Prabhdeep Singh , Narendra Singh Bohra , Rajesh Prasad Verma
Pages: 3502-3506
Memetic Algorithm-Based Blind Image Reconstruction for Satellite - derived.
Anurag Vidyarthi , Sandeep Sunori
Pages: 3507-3511
Utilizing the SRP Protocol for Authentication and Authorization in Massive Data Sets
Surendra Shukla , Bhasker Pant , Rajesh Upadhyay
Pages: 3512-3518
Current Study on the Subject of Underground Radio Positioning Systems
Surendra Shukla , Prabhdeep Singh , Dibyahash Bordoloi , Vikas Tripathi
Pages: 3519-3524
A Look Back at "The Cloud"
Dibyahash Bordoloi , Surendra Shukla
Pages: 3525-3532
Research Output On Quality Assessment And Higher Education: A Bibliometric Study Using Biblioshiny
Shri. Prashantha B. S. , Dr. M. Dorairajan , Dr. S. Srinivasaragavan , Mr. R. S. Jaya Suriya Dheva
Pages: 3533-3545
The Role Of E-Learning In Students Motivation
Dr. Dawood Ahmad , Dr. Sidra Rizwan , Dr. Shahbaz Ahmad , Dr. Maqsood Ahmad
Pages: 3546-3555