Volume 17, No. 1, 2020
How To Make Biodiversity Articles Highly Cited?
Ambar Yoganingrum
Previous research showed that Indonesia produced the highest number of papers in biodiversity among three mega-diverse Southeast Asia countries, including Indonesia, Malaysia and Philippines. However, among them Indonesia papers received the smallest number of citation. This research aims to identify and compare the characteristics of Indonesian biodiversity papers to Malaysia and Philippines. Firstly, the paper reviewed a set of papers collected from Scopus systematically to find factors for making highly cited articles. Then, the paper applied the factors to find various reasons of low citations. Resulting showed that there are 12 aspects to produce articles highly cited, namely Funding; Number of articles; Subject; Journal; Authorship; Collaborator; Methodology; Pages, tables, illustrations and References; Editorial Factor; Language; Source type; and Getting Award. This paper provides a receipt to Indonesian researchers in creating articles that are potential to be highly cited articles.
Pages: 109-129
Keywords: Biodiversity; Research impact; Indonesia; Malaysia; Philippines; Highly Cited Articles