Volume 19, No. 1, 2022
The Impact of Cloud Computing on Network Security and the Risk for Organization Behaviors
Alia J. Ouda, Ali N. Yousif, Ayat S. Hasan, Hassan M. Ibrahim and Methaq A. Shyaa
Cloud computing is currently provided consumer or business IT support via social media or by using the internet. Cloud computing on the other hand, is increasing the level of the network security risk due to the services are basically presented by a third party. This results in hard to control the privacy and data security. In addition, to maintain the service availability and support data collections. Cloud computing clouts several technologies such as virtualization, SOA, and Web 2.0, it is also claimed their security risk matters. In this paper, the most serious and important risks and threats of cloud computing are discussed. The main vulnerability is identifying through a review of the published works on the cloud computing environment with possible solutions to overcome these threats and risks.
Pages: 195-206
DOI: 10.14704/WEB/V19I1/WEB19015
Keywords: Cloud Computing, Security Risk, Network Security, Virtualization