Volume 15, No 1, 2018
Social Media Application in Indonesian Academic Libraries
Yeni Budi Rachman and Dinda Ayunindia Putri
Nowadays, many libraries have taken advantages of social media to promote their collection as well as to enhance services and interact with their users. In this research, the use of social media by academic libraries in Indonesia is analyzed through survey towards 51 of academic libraries in Indonesia. From the total of respondent libraries, it is identified there were only 32 of academic libraries which use social media. The aim of this research is to identify the application of social media by academic libraries in Indonesia. This study also examined problems in using social media by the respondent libraries. The result shows that academic libraries in Indonesia mostly use social media to promote their services, facilities and collections. Facebook be the most used social media platform by respondent libraries. The study also revealed that lack of time and human resources become the main problems in managing social media accounts.
Pages: 19-29
Keywords: Social media; Academic library; Indonesia; Facebook; Library promotion