Volume 18, No. 2, 2021
Enhance The Security Of Upnp Group Services Using Group Key Distribution
Rakesh Kumar Khare , Somesh Kumar Dewangan , Rajesh Tiwari
UPnP architecture is particularly designed for the ease of device discovery and management in automatic home networks, but it lacks a useful feature for supporting dynamic group service utilization over unreliable channels. In response to this limitation, we suggest enhancing UPnP procedures by means of key pre-distribution (KPD) scheme, which has a good compromise between complexity and security. We show how the KPD mechanism can be integrated into UPnP service discovery and utilization processes. This would be contributed to the extensive use of UPnP technology in some applications, where group security is needed.
Pages: 3185-3195
Keywords: Group security, UPnP networks, Key pre- distribution scheme.