Volume 20, No. 1, 2023

The Study Of Challenges Faced By Women Leaders In Academic Proceedings At Administrative Positions In Educational Institutes

Farzana Parveen Jessar , Dr Tayyaba Zarif


Gender Equality is the subject of human rights and required for equality, development and peace. Equality between women and men is necessary for long term sustainable progress because the role of women is as important as the role of men. The women are performing their role in different capacities. In Pakistan women are also working in diverse level even on the leadership positions. The basic objective of current study was to explore the challenges faced by women leaders in academic proceedings at administrative positions in educational institution from School to University level specifically in district Shaheed Benazir Abad (SBA). Study was descriptive by purpose and quantitative by method. The Population of current study were all women leaders working at administrative positions in the educational institutions of Shaheed Benazir Abad. While eighty percent women leaders of educational institutions of different levels of District Shaheed Benazir Abad were selected as sample of this study by simple random sampling technique. Questionnaire with five point Likert scale was used as a tool. The tool was developed on the basis of nature and level of educational institutions with the help of literature review & discussion with senior women leaders. Data was analysed in frequency and percentage. Findings of current study revealed some diverse type of challenges faced by women leaders in academic proceeding at administrative positions.

Pages: 252-262

Keywords: Challenges, Women Leaders, Academic proceedings, Administrative positions Educational institutes.

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