Volume 16, No 1, 2019

Evaluation Of Surface Roughness Characteristics (Ra) Of E0300 Alloy Steel By Using Ccmt09t308pm4225 And Dnmx150608wm1525 Inserts Under Dry And Wet Cutting Environment

Dr. Sandeep M. Salodkar


This study explore into the assessment of surface roughness characteristics exhibited during turning operations on E0300 alloy steel. The investigation employs CCMT09T308PM4225 and DNMX150608WM1525 inserts and compares the outcomes under both dry and wet cutting conditions. Surface roughness plays a pivotal role in determining the quality and functionality of machined components, particularly in manufacturing contexts. The research aims to scrutinize the impact of different cutting environments on surface roughness in E0300 alloy steel. Experimental trials were conducted using a lathe machine, with surface roughness measurements collected across varied cutting parameters. Influence of dominant cutting parameters which affects surface finish during turning E-0300 alloy steel were investigated. Results reveal notable distinctions in surface roughness profiles between dry and wet cutting conditions, as well as among the two insert types. These findings offer valuable insights for optimizing machining processes to attain the desired surface finish quality in E0300 alloy steel components.

Pages: 339-346

Keywords: E0300, Surface roughness, Dry and wet cutting

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