Volume 20, No. 3, 2023

Clinicopathological Outcome Of Uterine Clear Cell And Pappilary Carcinoma At Ahpgic Ongoing Study

Prof J Parija , B.L Nayak , Manoranjan Mohapatra , A.Kpadhy , J.J Mohapatra , Smruti Sudha Pattnaik , S.K Giri , S.S Samantray , R.Das , P.Devi , L.Pattnaik , L. Sarangi , N.Panda , S.Mohanty , L.Soy , S.Panda


OBJECTIVE –The objectives of this study were to analyse clinicopathological determinants of the clear cell and uterine pappilary serous cell carcinoma. Material methods- A cohort of patients diagnosed and underwent complete surgical staging for upsc and clear cell of the endometrium from 2010- 2018were viewed.The significance of the independent variables were calculated by chi-square.The multivariate regression analysisofthe factors influencing the nodal staus. RESULTS- We could analyse that both clear cell and upsc, was prevalent in 61 yr age . They are associated with co-morbidities. They present with a higher grade(G3), pre-opimaging , showed more number cases with et of 15 mm. The nodal status was significantly affected by myo-invasion> 50% lvsi in clear cell carcinoma. Where as the lvsi+, adnexa +, omentum+ , peritoneal cytology+, myoinvasion>50% , was significantly found associated with a positive nodal status in uterine pappilary serous cancer. INDEX TERMS– UPSC – uterine pappilary serous cell carcinoma ET – endometrial thickness Mmmt- malignant mixed muellrian tumor LVSI - lymphovascular spaceinvasion

Pages: 206-213

Keywords: Clear cell carcinoma of the uterus is the rare subtype accounting for1-6% of uterine cancers, is characterised histologicaly by clearing of cytoplasm(1).

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