Volume 18, No. 6, 2021
Analyzing The Impact Of Information Technology On Information Seeking Behavior Of Engineering College Library Users Under Jntuk: Students Perspective
Tadituri Rojamani , B. R. DoraswamyNaick
This research investigates the influence of information technology on the ways engineering college students seek and access information within libraries affiliated with Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Kakinada (JNTUK). The study focuses on gaining insights directly from students to comprehend how technological advancements have shaped their information-seeking behavior. By examining this perspective, the research aims to provide valuable insights into the evolving role of information technology in higher education libraries and its effects on student engagement with library resources.
Pages: 9188-9204
Keywords: Information technology impact; Information seeking behavior; Engineering college students; JNTUK library; User perspective; Technological influence; Academic information retrieval.