Volume 20, No. 3, 2023

Exploring Strategies For Effective Self-Regulated Learning In Students’ Use Of Online Learning For Quality Learning

Oluwatoyin Ayodele Ajani


The emergence of COVID-19 globally has emphasised the significance of the Fourth Industrial Revolution in higher education. Due to necessity, several higher education institutions across the globe have continued to transform teaching and learning activities into online platforms. This research aims to ascertain and explicate the characteristics of internet-based educational platforms and advance the self-regulated learning (SRL) framework in online learning contexts to facilitate learning attainment in higher education through digital technologies during the post-COVID-19 pandemic. The study employs the self-regulated learning framework to facilitate students' ability to acquire independent learning skills. The framework highlights the significance of three distinct phases in fostering efficacious self-regulated learning among students who utilise online learning systems, namely planning, performing, and evaluating. Various existing online learning studies have identified several efficacious strategies for this phenomenon. Thus, this study identifies and describes the various strategies to fulfil students' needs in an online learning space. Strategies identified include students' self-awareness of their diverse online learning needs, the provision of pacing assistance, monitoring of student engagement, and stakeholder support. This study adds to the debate on how students can be appropriately aided in their pursuit of online learning. The study also provides valuable insights to lecturers or learning facilitators on how and why they can cultivate self-regulated learning (SRL) proficiencies among students, thereby optimising the efficacy of online pedagogy.

Pages: 106-122

Keywords: support, Self-Regulated Learning skills, online learning, support, strategies.

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