Volume 9, No 1, 2012
The Role Of Political Parties And Muslim Voting Behavior In Bihar
Dr. Md. Hasin Akhtar
Bihar has been politically involved in Indian politics from the beginning. The emergence of identity-based political parties that reflect linguistic, regional, and caste identities has recently been a significant aspect of Bihar politics. Keeping this in mind, the current study aimed to examine the role of political parties and Muslim voting behavior in Bihar. The study utilized a primary and secondary data gathering method where Primary Data was collected from 385 Muslim voters of Bihar through a structured questionnaire. These responses were analyzed through various tools like Excel and SPSS. While Regression was used to test the hypothesis. The findings revealed that socioeconomic factors (education, income, and occupation) influence Muslim voting behavior in Bihar. There was also a significant impact of political party strategies, religious identity, and outreach on the voting and political preferences of Muslims in Bihar. It has been concluded that in Bihar, the relationship between political parties and Muslim voting behavior is constantly shifting, and this change is a reflection of both traditional identity-based factors and shifting socioeconomic goals. The study will be significant for educating political parties and civil society to promote inclusion build democratic institutions, and meet Muslim needs for fairer and more effective governance The study will be significant for educating political parties and civil society to promote inclusion build democratic institutions, and meet Muslim needs for fairer and more effective governance
Pages: 1-16
Keywords: Election; Voting Behavior; Caste System; Political Culture; Political Preferences; Muslim Community.