Volume 18, No. 6, 2021
Study Of Land Use Land Cover Changes Around Nh-48, Rewari District, Haryana
Arti Chouksey , Kshboo , Tarun
One of the most important natural resources is land. The population of a city increases, but so do changes in spatial parameters. It is impossible to stop the natural process of land transformation, nevertheless. So, in this paper, we have discussed the development of roads. What are the changes that can be seen due to the development of roads? A change detection model was applied in ERDAS Imagine to find out the land use/land cover from 2006 to 2021. Five land use classes were identified but the dominant classes were built-up agricultural land. A drastic change has been recorded during 16 years i.e. (2006-2021) in the Deodhai village (10Km away from Rewari), district Rewari Haryana (with the help of ERDAS )after the construction of the expressway NH-48. In 2006, 59.85% of the land was under agricultural practice, which reduced to 51.57% in 2021. One of the main factors of this land use change is the development of roads.
Pages: 9029-9042
Keywords: ERDAS, Google Earth Pro, QGIS land use land cover (LULC), NH-48.