Volume 14, No 2, 2017

Comparative Studies Of Strategies Used In Deadlock Detection And Resolution Using Semaphore Based Dining Philosophers Problem



The project objective is to ensure the deadlock resolution and to do comparitive study algorithms used in deadlock detection and resolution and thereby reaching out of a concrete technique to implement it and the best suited strategy to deal with deadlock problem The deadlock detection and resolution algorithm always require that transactions should be aborted .For this reason several issues must be carefully considered. 1) Aborts are more expensive than waits. 2) Unnecessary aborts result in wasted system resources. 3) Optimal concurrency requires that the number of aborted transactions be minimized. In fact most of the deadlock detection algorithms in literature are safe detection algorithms and they are considered correct because they detect infinite sorts.

Pages: 185-197

Keywords: A deadlock occurs when there is a set of processes waiting for resource held by other processes in the same set.

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