Volume 18, No. 6, 2021
Boundary Layer Fluid ?ow Problem Of Falkner-Skan Model With Wall Stretching And Transfer Of Mass Effects: Evolutionary Op-timized Quartic Spline Approach
Fazle Subhan , Saeed Islam , Muhammad Asif Zahoor Raja , Iftikhar Uddin , Naveed Ishtiaq Chaudhary , Muhammad Shoaib , Kottakkaran Sooppy Nisar , Malak S. Alqahtani , Mohamed Abbas , C A Saleel
This study elaborates on the novel design and application of the stochastic numerical computing method to analyze the fluid dynamics boundary layer problem represented by stiff non-linear, Falkner-Skan fluid (FSF) model. The quartic splines method (QSM) is designed to discretize the differential system of FSF system while the hybrid heuristics is exploiting via strength of Genetic Algorithms (GAs), aided with the Active-Set (AS) technique, i.e., QSM-GAs-AS. The designed scheme QSM-GAs-AS is implemented for the solution of the FSF model for sundry scenarios based on the variation of a single parameter, out of the three involved parameters, namely wall mass transfer parameter, wall movement parameter, and stream-wise pressure gradient parameter. The FSF model is solved for five, ten, and fifteen splines successfully and the solution outcomes of the FSF model, are compared with a deterministic numerical solver, i.e., Adams numerical technique. The closer agreement of both the solution outcomes validated the worth and efficacy of the proposed QSM-GAs-AS technique. The solution outcomes revealed that the velocity profile is enhanced for higher pressure gradient parameter, transfer of mass parameter and wall movement parameter.
Pages: 8991-9011
Keywords: Quartic Splines Method; Active-Set algorithms; Genetic-Algorithms; Falkner-Skan fluid model; Hybrid computing.