Volume 17, No. 3, 2020

Impact Of Roads And Road Construction On The Socio-Economic Status Of A Community

Dr. C. Kubendran


Roads are the major means of transportation and communication. They play significant role in the development of the community or society. Major import and export of goods, general transportation and communication services within a community or between communities take place mostly through roads. The efficiency of such function is hugely dependent on the condition and quality of the road. With this view, the Tamil Nadu state government made an effort towards the construction of roads from Madurai to Dindugal. This study is directed towards the impact of roads and road construction on the socio-economic status of a community directly within the project site. Preconstruction and post-construction conditions of the community were studied and analyzed through collection of various parameters. The study revealed that the construction of roads not only improves the livelihood of the community but also increases the number of educational institutions and health centers as well. More people are also engaged in certain jobs such as carpentry and handloom as they can now easily import and export their goods due to better road condition.

Pages: 221-225

Keywords: Road Construction, Socio-Economic Condition, Communication.

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