Volume 14, No 1, 2017
Electronic Information Resources And Services: A Study With Special Reference To Selected Arts Colleges Affiliated To Bharathiar University
Baskaran P, Jayaraman I.
This article presents a study conducted to explore the utilization and effectiveness of electronic information resources and services in selected arts colleges affiliated to Bharathiar University. The study aimed to assess the availability, accessibility, and usage patterns of electronic resources and to identify the challenges faced in their utilization. A comprehensive research methodology was employed, including surveys, interviews, and data analysis techniques. The findings revealed the current state of electronic resource utilization, patterns of usage among students and faculty, and the effectiveness of electronic information services. Based on the study's results, recommendations were provided to enhance resource utilization and services in arts colleges. This research contributes to the understanding of the impact of digital technologies on the academic landscape and proposes strategies for improvement in the utilization of electronic information resources in arts colleges affiliated to Bharathiar University. This study was conducted to inspect the application of Electronic Information Resources in Arts and Science College Libraries in Bharathiar University affiliated colleges, India. The survey of librarians and library users, semi-structured interviews with librarians, and observational visits in the libraries. This study was confined only to the computerized and automated Arts and Science College Libraries in Bharathiar University affiliated colleges. The analyses revealed that though the libraries had hardware, software, and communication facilities to some extent, ICT-based resources and services were not reaching the users to the expected extent. Library automation in Arts and Science College Libraries in Bharathiar University affiliated colleges was largely commenced during the period 1980-2000. The library catalogue found to be the most popular area for automation. The ICT-based resource used by the largest percentage of the users was the e-mail. Most of the libraries were hampered by lack of funds, lack of infrastructure, and lack of skilled professionals to embark on automation of all library management activities and application of ICT. A good number of the library users were satisfied with the application of ICT in their libraries. A few Students were indicated “inadequate ICT infrastructure” as their major reason for dissatisfaction. Some of the R& D institution got the pattern rights for the new invention/ products. The study provides recommendations to give priority to digital library initiatives, consortia based subscription to enhance effective and efficient application of ICT.
Pages: 75-85
Keywords: information communication technology, Library automation, Research and development libraries.