Volume 14, No 2, 2017
Aligning The Business Processes With The Services To Customers For Successful CRM: A Managerial Perspective
Gaurav Gupta , Himanshu Aggarwal
As the world is growing more and more competitive, the customer experience is becoming more important to the businesses. At the same time the customer himself is becoming more sophisticated, demanding, and less loyal to the businesses. There is a need for appropriately aligned customer-centric strategy to maintain synchronization between customers� expectations and services provided to them. This can be achieved through Customer Relationship Management (CRM). CRM is a comprehensive strategy and a process of acquiring, retaining, and partnering with selective customers to create superior value for the business. It is based on a rigorous segmentation analysis that involves the integration of marketing, sales, customer service, and the supply-chain functions of the organization to achieve greater efficiency and effectiveness in delivering customer value. CRM is a crucial way in today�s marketing, using customer knowledge to sustain business growth. It is important to have a strategy of customer acquisition and retention. A business strategy needs to be designed that reduces the cost by increasing customer loyalty and business profitability. For this strategy CRM is designed and is accepted worldwide. Businesses have worked through the stages of shock, denial, anger, grief, and acceptance in coping with the Internet, and are now rushing to identify and secure ways to protect their customer relationship franchise. The objective of the paper is to point out the relevant factors that may be helpful to the managers in increasing their profit, sales and building long-term relationships with the customers. The factors have been extracted from the pool of factors that are surveyed from the managers� perspective of the shopping mall, marts and supermarket. During the survey various managers have been assessed and their response is collected, analyzed and interpreted according to the questionnaire-cum-interview. The findings may help the managers in developing their strategies during sales, promotions, marketing, business and customer build ups and maintaining log-term relationships with the customers.
Pages: 158-184
Keywords: CRM, Customer, Managers, Marketing, Relationship, Services, Businesses.