Volume 17, No. 4, 2020
An Insight on RF Performances Of Gate Metal Work Function Engineered Hetero-Gate Dielectric TFET
Deepak Sigroha , Rajesh Kumar Pathak and Kuldip Singh
This paper presents novel hetero-gate TFET architecture to improve the DC and RF characteristics of the device. To analyze the improved functionality, here we compared the proposed TFET with the conventional TFET. The RF parameters such as gate-to-gate capacitance (Cgg), gate-to-drain capacitance (Cgd), gate-to-source capacitance (Cgs), transconductance (gm), cut-off frequency (fT), and gain bandwidth product (GBP) are analyzed for both of the TFETs. The effects of scaling of oxide thicknesses on the transfer characteristics are also studied for the proposed TFET.
Pages: 251-260
Keywords: Band gap narrowing model, Hetero-gate dielectric, Transconductance, RF parameters