Volume 18, No. 1, 2021
The Analysis of Benchmarking Use to Improve the Quality of Competitive Advance among Journal Houses in State Islamic Religious Collage
Nazarudin, Rr. Rina Antasari and Padjrin
This research is aimed to discover management system, classify the differences and similarities of Journal Houses, and figure out other factor beyond the management elements that support the achievement purpose of improving the competitive quality among Journal Houses in accordance with journal accreditation standards. This research used qualitative method. The data source were obtained from Journal Houses of UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta, UIN Walisongo Semarang, IAIN Kudus dan IAIN Salatiga. The data was collected through in-depth interviews and documentation studies. The data obtained were analyzed in discriptive qualitative. This research concludes that the Journal Houses management of UIN and IAIN benchmarked do not have similar systems. Each Journal House runs according to its own way. There is no adaptive Journal House management format that can be emulated directly from UIN and IAIN Journal House benchmarked by Journal House of UIN Raden Fatah Palembang. The alternative is to collaborate on how to manage the Journal Houses of each benchmarking target in order to be a new applicable system.
Pages: 142-153
DOI: 10.14704/WEB/V18I1/WEB18079
Keywords: Journal Houses, Competitive Advance, Benchmarking.