Volume 19, No. 2, 2022

The Scholastic Contribution Of Ibne Kathir (R.A) In The Science Of Hadith

Dr. Janas Khan , Safia , Dr. Abzahir , Dr. Karim Dad , Dr. Sumia Inayat


Hafiz Ibne Kathir (RA) has been a well-known scholar of his era. He was a scholar with a diversity and had command at a time in many fields of the Islamic Studies like; Exegete of the Holy Quran, a master in the field of the Hadiths (Sayings or actions of the Holy Prophet (SAW), History, Islamic Jurisprudence, Arabic Grammar & Literature etc. He got his education from many scholars of his time. Ibne Taimiya (RA), Hafiz Al-Mizzi and Hafiz Al-Dahabi were the most known scholars of Hadith in those days and Ibne Kathir (RA) got the science of Hadith from them. He produced a number of pupils who later on worked in different fields of Islamic Studies and prolonged the guidance of Ibne Kathir (RA). Having a multiplicity in him, he produced a number of research articles and books in different fields of the Islamic Studies. Some of them got famous even in his own time like, he wrote an exegesis of the Holy Qruan with the name of Tafseer-ul-Quran Al-Azeem (famously known as Tafseer Ibne Kathir), Tabaqate Shafia, Al-Bidaya Wannihaya and Al-Seerah Al-Nabwiya etc. Here in this research paper we will try to highlight his services in the field of Hadith.

Pages: 10047-10058

Keywords: Exegete, Hadith, Biographer, Jurisprudence

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