Volume 19, No. 6, 2022
Study Of The Needs In The Area Of Systems For The Development Of An Engineering Research Group
Albert Miyer Suarez Castrillón , Sir-Alexci Suarez Castrillon , Thomas Edison Guerrero Barbosa
An analysis of the needs in systems that allowed the creation of the research group in Science and Technology is presented, which seeks to promote interdisciplinary between different areas of science, providing the possibility of applying engineering processes to provide solutions to various problems in the academic, public and private sectors. Focusing from the point of view of a scientific-technical classification that encompasses and combines topics such as biology, energy, information technologies, and telecommunications, manufacturing technologies, social and human sciences, among others. The group is based on Systems Engineering, taking into account that it is not only one of the most exciting disciplines within engineering, but it is also essential in the design, development and implementation of countless processes necessary for the solution of different problems. That is why the group focuses on creating new solutions that improve performance, reduce time and deliver products of excellent quality at industrial level, while allowing a teaching-learning at the educational level of these techniques, allowing constant feedback with students of the Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander Ocaña. The group's products will position the University as one of the institutions most committed to the development of the region and the country in general, allowing its projects to be of national and international character.
Pages: 241-251
Keywords: Systems; Science and Technology; research lines, GRUCITE.