Volume 19, No. 6, 2022
Simulated Annealing With Particle Swarm Optimization For Optimal Design Of Truss Structures With Multiple Frequency Constraints
Carlos Millan , Jair Arrieta , and Fernando Jove
In this work, the hybrid algorithm called SAwPSO (Simulated Annealing with Particle Swarm Optimization) is used for optimal design of truss structures with multiple frequency constraints. These kinds of problems are difficult to optimize because they are multimodal and have small feasible regions. The SAwPSO works as follows: SA selects the PSO parameters and then PSO optimizes the problem. Three benchmark truss optimization problems with multiple frequency constraints are explored for the validity of the SAwPSO algorithm. Numerical results indicate that SAwPSO can minimize the overall weight of truss structures subjected to multiple frequency constraints.
Pages: 73-85
Keywords: Frequency constraints; optimal design; Simulated Annealing, particle Swarm Oprimization.