Volume 19, No. 6, 2022
Google Classroom In A Hybrid Model. Uses And Applications Of Higher Education Teachers
César Augusto Hernández Suárez , Raúl Prada Núñez , Audin Aloiso Gamboa Suárez
Education became a challenge in times of pandemic and post-pandemic, which is why this article aims to present the design, implementation and evaluation of a transversal course in Google Classroom, initially in the e-learning mode during the pandemic and after this, step to the b-learning mode, as a didactic mediation to support problem solving and scientific thinking in a university program. The experience was designed from design-based research for its implementation and evaluation, which, according to the students' opinion, was positive. The result obtained was the creation of a course that follows a didactic planning that evidences the effectiveness of the Classroom application and its resources to generate interest, motivation, and collaborative learning environments that allow communication and exchange, the availability of resources and the management of evaluative tasks. Some limitations to highlight were that some students did not have access to connectivity and/or technological resources on a continuous basis. It can be concluded that ICT-mediated education is an alternative to provide continuity to the educational process in contingencies such as absence of the teacher and/or students, or in extreme situations such as pandemics, but its design, implementation and development imply more time and work.
Pages: 40-51
Keywords: Google Classroom, mathematics, hybrid model, higher education, higher education.