Volume 19, No. 6, 2022
Automatic Fencing System (Afs)
S. Priyanka , Dr.P.Sumathi , Barathraj.V , Divya .S.S
Automatic Fencing System (AFS) employs a simple mechanism to detect and indicate the animals which are crossing the fields of agricultural land. This circuits indicates the animals which are crossing and affecting the land .So, it saves the animals which are affected by the high voltage current applied in a fencing. It also detects the intruder who entering into the land and causing damages with the bad impression. It help to the farmers who near the forest and animals visiting places. It is very simple to use. It can be also used in the houses to detect the new entries ofthieves.
Pages: 27-39
Keywords: We select the trending technology it is called IOT (INTERNET OF THINGS) in agriculture land.