Volume 19, No. 2, 2022

Re-Construction Of Tradition And Modernity Of Islam In Madrassah Education In punjab (Pakistan)

Dr. Rashida Ahmad &Dr. Attiya Khanam


Re-construction is the reconsideration and revisiting the generalizations and conclusions about the principles, laws, rules, or beliefs, concepts, ideas and their implementation strategies. In case of Islamic society, formulated in the framework of rules and regulations prescribed in the Holy Quran and Hadith. In this whole process of ?tafaqah- o-fiddin, highest level of brainstorming is involved. Re-construction is regarded as any action or process reworked in order to bring change for improvement. It is a process in which an event or series of events are carefully examined in order to find out the extent of improvement or show exactly what happened. In current madrassah reformist discourses, or attuning tradition and modernity with madrassah education. It called for a re-examination of the intellectual Islamic traditions drawn from teachings of the Quran and Sunnah of the Holy Prophet (PBUH). Reconstruction of tradition and modernity means re-examination of religious knowledge in a ?scientific form. Secondly, it is the need and demand of the contemporary times to look at reality with scientific approach, which is a common central concern of religion and philosophy, and subsequent connection of both in the work of reconstruction of tradition and modernity. The study provides an overview of the current state of knowledge and evaluates the extent and needs of rethinking and reconstruction of tradition and modernity with madrassah education in Punjab(Pakisatn).

Pages: 9959-9971

Keywords: Reconstruction, Tradition, Modernity, Islam, Madrasssah Education

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