Volume 19, No. 5, 2022

Acciones Del Liderazgo Ético: Una Revisión Para El Fortalecimiento De Las Organizaciones

Willian Niebles Núñez, John A. Buelvas Parra, Carlos Pacheco Ruiz


The purpose of this article was to describe the actions of ethical leadership for the strengthening of Mass Consumption organizations. Based on authors such as: Heifetz (2006), Sánchez (2015), Yarce (2005), Rodríguez (2007), Huici (2011), Alcover (2012), David (2008), among others. The research was under a positivist-quantitative approach, descriptive, with a field design, not experimental-transectional. The population was constituted by 4 organizations of Massive Consumption of the Private sector, with 63 informant units, As data collection techniques, observation was used through a survey with an instrument, to measure ethical leadership the actions of ethical leadership, a questionnaire was constructed with 6 items, which was validated by 4 experts. Reliability was determined using the Alpha Cronbach method, obtaining a percentage of rtt=0.87; considered a very high reliability. The analysis of the results was carried out under descriptive statistics and measures of central tendency (mean or arithmetic mean). It was concluded by indicating that there are characteristic actions of Ethical Leadership in the supervisors of said organizations, in a High Purple category, such as setting an example through their actions, prioritizing the interests of the companies and being interested in ideas and suggestions from their followers. when making decisions.

Pages: 707-724

Keywords: Ethical leadership actions. Organizations.

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