Volume 19, No. 5, 2022

Approximation Of Risk Valuation In The Catatumbo Region For Attracted Investment Capital

Mauricio Rodrigo Alvarez Casallas , Marta Milena Peñaranda Peñaranda , Sir-Alexci Suárez Castrillón


This is qualitative research with an exploratory approach and its objective is to define the variables of regional risk for the financial evaluation of investment capital attracted to the Catatumbo region. This research is developed from the combination of risk models such as the CAPM and the country risk, making an adaptation of these two to the financial regions of the region, where we can see that there are countries with political risks similar to that of the region and their investment percentage is very low. Data provided by the Chamber of Commerce of Ocaña show that the industrial investment of attracted capital is minimal or almost null, unlike the commercial sector where this investment is reflected to some extent, as can be seen with the nationally known supermarkets. Concluding that the regional risk of the industrial sector in the Catatumbo region is of little interest to investors and that the factors involved are very high and make the return on capital very costly, this being the risk premium and at the same time not being attractive for attracted investments.

Pages: 625-632

Keywords: Variables, risk, financial evaluation, Region.

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