Volume 19, No. 5, 2022
Amazonian Lateritic Sandy Soils From Northern Amapá (Brazil) For Use In Paving
Eclesielter Moreira , Jair Arrieta and Carlos Millan
Considering the demands for infrastructure and the importance of using local materials in the construction and maintenance of highways. This article aims to evaluate the mechanical behavior of sandy lateritic Amazonian soil, aiming at its applicability in layers of road pavements. This soil is located in the State of Amapá, close to the border with French Guiana. The parameters considered in this research were the values proposed by the DNIT (Departamento Nacional de Infraestrutura de Transportes). To reach the objective, tests were carried out to evaluate the mechanical behavior of the soil, which was suitable for use in pavement bases and sub-bases.
Pages: 114-120
Keywords: Mechanical behavior; Compaction; California Bearing Ratio; Feasibility.