Volume 16, No 1, 2019
Smart Traffic Signal Control System: Design And Implementation
Dr. Srilatha Chepure , Dr. Ramesh N
Currently used microcontroller and microprocessor-based traffic light controllers (TLC). Because it operates in accordance with a programme that lacks the flexibility of adjustment in real time, this TLC has limits. The waiting time is longer and the car uses more fuel as a result of the predetermined time intervals between green, orange, and red signals. There is a new method called "Smart Traffic Signal Control" to make controlling traffic lights more effective. This novel method combines embedded technology with sensor networks. Red and Green light timings at each intersection will be intelligently chosen based on the volume of traffic on all nearby roads. As a result, optimising traffic light switching boosts road capacity and traffic flow and helps avoid traffic jams.
Pages: 256-260
Keywords: Embedded System, Micro-controller, IR sensors, RFID, Traffic Control, Blockage.