Volume 19, No. 4, 2022

Characterization Of The Fine Subgrade Soils Of The City Of Sincelejo In Northern Colombia, Based On The Soaked CBR Test On Undisturbed Samples

Fernando Jove Wilches , Carlos Millán , José Hernández Ávila


The design of a pavement structure depends, among other factors, on the quality of the subgrade, this being a very important variable, because it corresponds to the layer on which the pavement structure rests and, therefore, it must have the ability to withstand the stresses generated by traffic loads, as well as environmental effects. Hence the importance that specialist pavement engineers should pay attention to the geotechnical characterization and the determination of the resistance parameters of the subgrade soils. In countries like Colombia, a test widely used to determine the resistance of the subgrade corresponds to the relative bearing capacity (CBR). In this sense, the different design manuals give recommendations on how the test should be carried out and it is widely accepted by the different state entities; but it must be taken into account that for road sections of highways with similar characteristics, the design CBR of the section must be determined, for which there are various methodologies in the literature. The objective of this research is to analyze the different methodologies to calculate the design CBR for a study area, for which 106 undisturbed samples of fine subgrade soils were taken, taken in different road sectors, which were tested after having been subjected to immersion for a period of four days. The results showed important differences in the design CBR values based on the methodologies applied for its determination.

Pages: 344-356

Keywords: California Bearing Ratio, Design CBR, Bearing capacity.

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