Volume 19, No. 4, 2022
A Methodology For The Design Of Hydraulic Concrete Mixtures, For The Porous Pavement Project, Using Construction Materials From Northern Colombia
José Hernández Ávila , Guillermo Gutiérrez Ribon , Fernando Jove Wilches
The adverse environmental effects caused by climate change and the rapid growth of cities due to the increase in population, contributing to an increase in impervious surfaces, combined with poor management of water resources, have generated problems of overflows of urban streams and floods, as well as contamination of natural streams, by deposit of waste present in the streets or houses. Given this situation, where the environment requires viable and effective solutions to mitigate or reduce this problem, various solutions strategies are proposed, as is the case of permeable concrete, material this can be very useful for the construction of roads, parking areas and cover residential areas or other scenarios where traffic volumes are low. This solution contributes to urban drainage, as it allows water infiltration into the soil. Permeable concrete does not have a standardization in the methodology used for the dosing of materials, there are several methodologies that have been developed and tested in different parts of the world. For this reason, the present investigation aims to propose a methodology to obtain a dosage for permeable concrete, starting from the physical and mechanical properties of the materials involved in the mixture, following the guidelines of the research called Laboratory study of mixture proportioning for previous concrete pavement. The objective is to obtain a mix design that meets the requirements of freshness workability and hardened resistance and permeability. For this purpose, the materials have been characterized and theoretical mixing designs have been made, to then be evaluated in practice, producing concrete mixtures and performing workability tests, permeability, compressive strength and break module. On the basis of these tests, it was possible to obtain a permeable concrete that meets the requirements for low-volume transit routes (f'c > 21 MPa, Mr > 3.8 MPa).
Pages: 326-343
Keywords: concrete permeable, mixing design, permeability, resistance, dosing.