Volume 19, No. 4, 2022

Algorithms To Solve The Classification Problem And Objects Recognition In Images Using Mat Lab

Zainab Fahad mhawes Al-Naseri


Nanotube pictures that offer a new way for the dental titanium implant bioactivation of the surface. An significant aspect of the content consistency determination is the measurement of selected criteria. The first step is to divide and detect pictures. The classification of objects is an important point in the separation object in the following step. Diverse classification techniques could be used, one of which is the neural network. The paper introduces a method of classification of artefacts based on the competitive application of the neural network. The first part explains the core concepts of the neural network. In the following segment, a picture is evaluated using the chosen classification process.

Pages: 239-254

Keywords: classification, Image Processing, neural networks, Deep learning.

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