Volume 19, No. 2, 2022

Science, Quran And Earth

Dr. HM Azhar Usama , Dr. Shamsul Arifeen , Dr. Muhammad Abdullah , Dr. Asim Naeem


This article is a research and analytical review of Science, Quran and Earth offers an extensive collection of articles on the subject.And the resulting is a large collection of discussions on various aspects of the planet from an astronomical point of view. Protecting from various types of radiation coming from the earth, like the ozone layer, is also very important. It is a special grace of Allah Almighty that He has placed a shell of air around the earth in which we breathe and above this shell; there are some layers of air, which have harmful effects on life. Prevents from reaching. If the regions like Ouzan did not surround the earth, not only the radiation coming from outer space but also millions of stray meteorites flying around the earth in the solar system would have strayed and come towards the earth and destruction on the surface of the earth. Spread out It is the wise plan of this Lord, that He kept it in a safe place in so many curtains for the protection of the creation. The main points of this research are that the readers will get knowledge.

Pages: 9821-9833

Keywords: Science, Quran, Earth, Universe, Existence, Scriptures, Philosophy.

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