Volume 19, No. 4, 2022
Development And Validation Of Queen Bee Syndrome Perception Inventory (QBSPI)
Dr. Bushra Hassan , Roza Jamal , Seema Zahid , Sehrish Shaqoor , Wajiha , Dr. Mudassir Hussain
The present study intended to develop and validate queen bee syndrome perception inventory among female employees in Islamabad, Pakistan. The scale was developed through successive three parts. In study I, 50 items were generated while reviewing relevant books, journals, and internet to explore eminent research data bases including; SpringerLink, J. Store, Taylor & Fransis and Elsevier for latest literature. As a result of group discussions and subject matter expert opinions, the number of items was reduced to 27. In study II items were assessed for their content validity, comprehension and understanding by potential participants. In Study III the sample of 200 female employees were recruited from; International Islamic University, Bahria University, Air University & FAST University in Islamabad. A Principal Component Analysis was carried out using varimax rotation. Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin measure of sampling adequacy was also determined and Bartlett’s test of sphericity showed significant values indicating suitability for running a factor analysis. Resultantly, final instrument comprised of 18 items two dimensions i.e., resentment and nonprofessional attitude. Additionally, the instrument was correlated with constructs perceived organizational support in order to establish discriminant validity and autocratic leadership style in order to establish convergent validity.
Pages: 188-205
Keywords: queen bee syndrome, gender stereotypes, gender discrimination, resentment, nonprofessional attitude.