Volume 17, No. 2, 2020
Fault Detection based Connected Dominating Set (FDCDS) in Fog Computing
Nagarjuna Valeti and V. Ceronmani Sharmila
The meaning of cloud computing is providing services by using the internet. From the Cloud Data Centres (CDC) the services are utilized by the cloud users. Presently (Internet of things) IOT playing the key role to improve the performance of the fog computing enabled applications. Migrating the wireless sensor networks with IOT becomes the most powerful and error free application based on the availability of the services, cloud storage, computation and these are transferred efficiently between server and cloud. Health domain is most widely affecting system in cloud computing as well as by using fog computing with IOT. The system causes various failures for providing the service continuously. Enabling the fog computing with the integration of cloud for the medical devices to transmit the patient information to the cloud storage has become the complicated for the IOT sensors continuously. This may cause the data loss and also reduce the performance of the medical device. To improve the continuous services within the cloud server. In this paper, the Fault detection based Connected Dominating Set (FDCDS) which provides the continuous services with the integration of fog computing and IOT devices with wireless sensor networks. Simulation shows the performance of the proposed system.
Pages: 599-606
DOI: 10.14704/WEB/V17I2/WEB17054
Keywords: CDC, Fault Detection, Connected Dominating.