Volume 15, No 2, 2018

Implementation Of Instructional Design In OER Materials: A Conceptual Discourse

Anamika Das


Learners looking for relevant learning materials generally scan available OER on their appropriateness. Learning materials are to be shown in their authentic/daily context in which they are needed. This approach also partly responds to what is called the localization problem of OER. Materials should be ‘culturally portable’ or should at least give insight in which this information fits. For most OER nowadays that is not the case yet. That makes a description of the situatedness even more important. Hence in this paper, relevant instructional designs are tested to judge the efficacy of them for constructing OER materials. This paper also deals with the ‘whole chore experiences’ (similar to Van Merrienboer’s whole tasks experience) or importance of learning chunk in OER. The authors of this paper also tried to access validity of OER material as ‘providing meta-information’ and leads to make OER richer and create a knowledge base that involves a ‘media mix’ by using free-to-use tools (open source software). In addition to that, this paper postulates a meta-rule which concerns the integration of volitional design and management. Learning with OER, or speaking more general, learning with multimedia learning environments oftentimes becomes complex due to its very nature. There are some phenomena such as ‘lost in Hyperspace’ or ‘cognitive overload’ that have been widely reported in the literature to disadvantageously affect the learning process. Consequently, learners’ attention gets distracted (e.g. by a fancy animation) and his motivation wanes. Therefore, in this paper it has been tried to depict that, learners need to be equipped with volitional tools and strategies. This is to be seen on a meta-level since it is targeted on the whole process and can occur virtually at any given moment.

Pages: 168-177

Keywords: OER, Localization, Portability, Experiences, Media-mix, Volition

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