Volume 17, No. 2, 2020
Effect of Interpersonal Communication and Motivation on Employee Work Effectiveness in BAPPEDA, Karawang Regency
Sihabudin and Dedi Mulyadi
This study aimed to determine, analyze, and explain the effect of interpersonal communication and motivation on work effectiveness at BAPPEDA Karawang Regency. Quantitative descriptive analysis methods, scale techniques, and path analysis, with the results of research, conducted it can be concluded:interpersonal Communication, in general, went well, motivation, in general, went well, work effectiveness of employees, in general, went well, the correlation coefficient between interpersonal communication and motivation has a correlation value of 0.352, the level of this relationship is included in the low criteria, but the value is positive, this means that if Interpersonal Communication is getting better, then the motivation of employees will also be better, the partial influence of interpersonal communication partially on work effectiveness of 0.369 or 36.9% which is a contribution from the direct effect of 0.5342 = 0.285 and indirect contribution of 0.534 x 0.352 x 0.445 = 0.084. While the partial influence of motivation on work effectiveness is 0.282, or 28.2% which is a contribution from the direct effect of 0.4452 = 0.198 and indirect contribution of 0.534 x 0.352 x 0.445 = 0.084, the simultaneous influence of Interpersonal communication and motivation on work effectiveness is 0.651 or 65.1% which is a contribution of partial influence of interpersonal communication on work effectiveness of 0.369 or 36.9% and the effect of partial motivation on effectiveness work of 0.282, or 28.2%, the remaining 34.39% is the contribution of other variables (ε) that are not examined.
Pages: 244-261
DOI: 10.14704/WEB/V17I2/WEB17028
Keywords: Interpersonal Communication, Motivation, Effective Work, Optimal Performance.