Volume 17, No. 4, 2020
An Analysis Of Research Information Management System Of Bharathidasan University
Dr. B. Jeyapragash , A. Muthuraj
This paper examines the analysis of the research information management system of Bharathidasan University. The Research Information Management System is collect and stores metadata on research activities and outputs such as the researcher's personal information, publications, projects, awards, etc. The present faculty member’s data were collected from the Bharathidasan University website and publication data were collected from the Web of Science and Scopus database. This study also aims to analyze department-wise faculty members, publications, projects, awards, and funding-wise research projects. It is found that Bharathidasan University has 36 departments and 177 faculty members presently working and 3098 research papers published on the Web of Science and 3787 research papers published in the Scopus database. A total of 516 research projects and 276 research awards were received by the present faculty members of Bharathidasan University. It is further found that the Department of Chemistry has contributed the highest number of 561 (18.11%) publications from the Web of Science and Department of Physics has contributed 858 (22.96%) publications from Scopus and also found that Department of Chemistry has received 58 (11.24 %) funding projects. The University Grants Commission (UGC) has provided 129 (25%) research projects to Bharathidasan University.
Pages: 63-78
Keywords: Research Information Management System, Bharathidasan University, Faculty Publications, Projects and Awards.