Volume 17, No. 2, 2020
A Novel Mixed Wide and PSO-Bi-LSTM-CNN Model for the Effective Web Services Classification
K. Punitha
In software technology, over the diversified environment, services can be rendered using an innovative mechanism of a novel paradigm called web services. In a business environment, rapid changes and requirements from various customers can be adapted using this service. For service management and discovery, the classification of Web services having the same functions is an efficient technique. However, there will be short lengthened Web services functional description documents, having less information, and sparse features. This makes difficulties in modelling short text in various topic models and leads to make an effect in the classification of Web services. A Mixed Wide and PSO-Bi-LSTM-CNN model (MW-PSO-Bi-LSTM-CNN) is proposed in this work for solving this issue. In this technique, the Web service category‟s breadth prediction is performed by combining Web services description document‟s discrete features, which exploits the wide learning model. In the next stage, the PSO-Bi-LSTM-CNN model is used for mining Web services description document word‟s context information and word order, for performing the Web service category‟s depth prediction. Here, particle swarm optimization (PSO) is integrated with the Bi-LSTM-CNN network for computing various hyper-parameters in an automatic manner. In third stage, Web service categories, results of depth, and breadth prediction are integrated using a linear regression model as final service classification result. At last, MW-PSO-Bi-LSTM-CNN, Wide&Bi-LSTM, and Wide&Deep web service classification techniques are compared and a better result with respect to web service classification accuracy is obtained using the proposed technique as shown in experimental results.
Pages: 218-237
DOI: 10.14704/WEB/V17I2/WEB17026
Keywords: Web Service Classification, Linear Regression, Particle Swarm Optimization, Bi-LSTM Model, Convolutional Neural Network, Wide Learning Model.