Volume 17, No. 2, 2020
Parallel Approaches of Utility Mining for Big Data
Vandna Dahiya and Sandeep Dalal
Utility Itemset Mining (UIM) is a fundamental technique to find out various itemsets with interestingness measures in addition to their quantity. It helps in finding valuable items that cannot be tracked with frequent itemset mining. There are many techniques to mine the itemsets based on their utilities, but the need of the hour is to mine them from larger datasets. This paper presents a brief overview of various approaches for utility mining, which mine using the parallel framework to enhance the pace of computation. The paper is concluded with a discussion on various challenges and openings in the field of parallel mining and provides away for further development of the prevailing methodologies of big data.
Pages: 31-43
DOI: 10.14704/WEB/V17I2/WEB17014
Keywords: Utility Mining, Big Data, Spark, Parallel Computing.