Volume 17, No. 3, 2020
Factors Impacting Mobile Technology Acceptance In Higher Education Faculty
Dr. Samnan Ali , Dr. M. Amaad Uppal , Muhammad Basir
Integration of mobile technologies within the educational system presents significant opportunities for improving education efficiency and accessibility. Numerous studies have considered student mobile technology acceptance, however limited research considers teacher/faculty acceptance. In order to understand higher education faculty mobile technology acceptance, this paper aims to, in context of mobile technology, validate the Sánchez-Prieto, Olmos-Migueláñez, & García-Peñalvo technology acceptance model(TAM); an education-focused TAM specifically designed to target faculty acceptance. TAM of Sánchez-Prieto et al. (2016) was validated using questionnaire as an instrument to collect data from the respondents. A total of 300 responses from faculty members of 2 public and 2 private sector universities were gathered. There were 35 questions in total, 6 relating to capturing participant demographic factors, and 29 questions relating to Sánchez-Prieto et al. (2016) constructs. The research findings show that the intention of faculty to use mobile technologies, i.e. within the classroom for educational purposes, increases if they perceive the mobile device to be easy and convenient to use. In conflict to Sánchez-Prieto et al. (2016) model, anxiety, perceived enjoyment, and facilitating conditions were found not to significant influence mobile technology use. Subjective norms, although influencing behaviour did not impact perception of usefulness. Finally, teachers with a lower resistance to change are more likely to perceive mobile technologies as useful and/or more likely to use mobile technologies within the teaching environment. The aim of this paper is to validate the Sánchez-Prieto et al. extended m-learning TAM and highlight whether or not the following proposed hypotheses hold.
Pages: 28-42
Keywords: Mobile, Technology Acceptance, Behavioural intention, Usefulness, E-learning, Higher Education, IT diffusion, IT adoption, Resistance to change