Volume 14, No 2, 2017

Highly-alted articles in Library and Information Science

Mohamma damin Erfanmanesh


The current research examin es the extent to which articles published in Scopus indexed Library and Information Science (LIS) journals are mentioned in social media platforms. It also tries to identify the highly mentioned LIS articles. The population of the study was comprised of 19 3 LIS journals indexed by Scopus in 2015. Each journal was searched in Scopus and the Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) of articles was extracted. The list of DOIs was then searched in Altmetric Explorer to retrieve all attentions received by articles. Soc ial media presence and altmetric scores of these articles were extracted in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet for further investigations. Results of the study revealed that 28.8 percent of the total LIS publications were mentioned at least once in social media tools. The most used altmetric source in LIS research was Twitter (33.1%), followed by Mendeley (30.4%) and Facebook (5.9%), respectively. Moreover, the highest altmetric presence was seen in “Journal of Information Science” with altmetric coverage of 100 percent , followed by “Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling” (93.5%) and “Archival Science” (93.3%). The highest altmetric score was 393 for an article entitled, “The Open Access Advantage Considering Citation, Article Us age and Social Media Attent ion”

Pages: 66-77

Keywords: Altmetrics ; Alternative metrics ; Altmetric E xplorer ; Altmetric score ; Social media ; Research impact

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