Volume 19, No. 3, 2022
Evaluating The Impact Of Teachers’ Self-Efficacy On Students’ Academic Achievement In Biology In Enugu State, Nigeria
Alphonsus U. Okoro , Chinwe R. Nwagbo , Christian S. Ugwuanyi & Bernard E. Ugwu
Self-efficacy entails the belief that an individual has the ability to carry out certain actions that will result in the desired outcome. Teachers’ self-efficacy is, therefore, the teachers’ confidence in their ability to promote students’ learning. This study examined the impact of teachers’ self-efficacy on academic achievement in Biology among secondary school students in Enugu State using an expost facto research design. From a population of 5693 (2254 females and 3439 males) SS1 Biology students and 62 SS1 Biology teachers in all the 48 public senior secondary schools in Obollo A for Education Zone of Enugu state, a sample of 270 SS1 Biology students and 25 SS1 Biology teachers were selected through purposeful sampling technique. The instruments used for data collection were the Teachers’ Self-Efficacy Index (TSEI)), Biology Achievement Test (BAT) and Eysenck General Intelligence Test (EGIT). Three research questions were answered in the study while Analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) was used to test the three hypotheses that guided the study at 0.05 level significance. The results of the study found out that: students who were taught by teachers of high and moderate Teachers’ self-efficacy levels had better academic achievement when compared with those students whose teachers exhibited low Teachers’ self-efficacy; that male and female students did not show any significant difference in academic achievement in Biology based on teacher Teachers’ self-efficacy behaviour. It was recommended that a favourable climate and conducive working atmosphere be put in place to ensure effective process of teaching and learning Biology using TSE.
Pages: 161-176
Keywords: Self-efficacy, Achievement, Biology Teacher.