Volume 14, No 2, 2017
Systematic Literature Review on Opinion Mining of Big Data for Gov ernment Intelligence
Akshi Kumar and Abhilasha Sharma
With the advent of new technology paradigm, SMAC (Social media, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud) the information network generates an infi nite ocean of data spreading faster and larger than earlier. A high quality information extracted from this massive volume of data, named as big data, urges the development of an efficient and effective decision support system and powerful strategic tools in the area of government intelligence. This pool of information can be explored for the benefit of an organization/system and to better understand its stakeholder needs by collecting, mining opinions about every point or subject of interest. Digitally int elligent and smart governance has been identified as a dynamic field with new studies being reported at various research avenues. The need to review, analyze and evaluate research studies across literature is thus fostered motivating us to identify existin g trends, research gaps and potential directions of future work within this domain. This paper intends to provide a systematic literature review within the promising area of opinion mining and its application to the area of government intelligence.
Pages: 6-47
Keywords: Opinion mining; Big data; Digital governance ; Systematic literature review