Volume 15, No 1, 2018
Book Review - Applied Evaluative Informetrics
Henk F. Moed
The book is written by Henk F. Moed, a distinguished and respected researcher in the field of informetrics. He obtained a Ph.D. degree in Science Studies from the Leiden University. He is a former senior staff and full professor of research assessment methodologies in the Center for Science and Technology Studies at Leiden University. Moed currently works as a visiting professor in Sapienza University of Rome. Publishing numerous papers on different aspects of research assessment, developing new indicators such as SNIP (Source Normalized Impact per Paper) and receiving the Derek de Solla Price Medal in informetrics in 1999 are among his activities. This book presents an introduction to the field of applied evaluative informetrics. The five main topics of the book are as follows: An overview of new informetric tools, often used informetric indicators and their pros and cons, the relationship between the informetric and the policy domain, options for consideration when designing an assessment as well as future research and indicator development.
Pages: 121-124
Keywords: “Qualitative and quantitative analysis of scientific and scholarly communications”