Volume 19, No. 2, 2022

Lda Topic Modelling On Job Advertisements To Analyze Transformation Of Traditional Quality To Quality 4.0

Junaid Ahmed , Dr. Hakeem Ur Rehman , Dr. Sajjad Ahmad Baig


Quality management is also evolving since its inception. However, during a certain interval, it evolves significantly. The introduction of Industry 4.0 again provides the required thrust and quality evolve to quality 4.0. This research aims to analyze the jobs description of quality professionals and identify the key themes to determine that traditional quality (TQM) is transformed into quality 4.0. The research use Indeed job listing against quality 4.0, quality in industry 4.0, digital quality, and smart quality keywords. Orange 3.28.0 is used to apply LDA topic modeling and subsequent analysis. The top ten topics in the job descriptions are Environmental Responsibility, Digital Responsibility, Digital Skills, Digital Knowledge, Data Solution, Quality Training, Quality Knowledge, information excellence, software, and management skills. Information Excellence is in line with the information quality concept. Digital responsibility was not highlighted previously. The job advertisement provides insights about the organization intension and plans and analysis of the job description identified that now the organizations are shifting their intention from traditional quality to quality 4.0 because the no topic identified in this research related to traditional quality like process improvement, process control, etc. therefore, this study concluded that traditional quality is transformed into quality 4.0.

Pages: 3992-4004

Keywords: Quality 4.0; Industry 4.0; Digital Quality; Quality Evolution.

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