Volume 19, No. 2, 2022
Analysis Of The Concept Of Servant Leadership In Improving The Participation Of Lecturer Performance In Universities In North Sulawesi
Yudhi Dien , Joeliaty , Hilmiana , Yunizar
This study aims to determine the form of leadership that serves its relationship in improving the performance of private university lecturers in North Sulawesi. Knowing the concept of servant leadership will encourage the performance of private university lecturers. This research was conducted in private university lecturers, especially North Sulawesi. The research method is descriptive and justified by the correlational research method. The population in this study were lecturers of private universities in North Sulawesi. Samples were taken by 300 PTS lecturers who were identified randomly. The results showed that there was a positive relationship between understanding the concept of servant leadership and the participation of lecturers' performance. But kThe lack of role of PTS leaders in giving encouragement and trust and service to their subordinates causes confidence in the potential, pride and ability to carry out the tridharma of higher education. The lack of involvement of lecturers in the decision-making process, adaptability and awareness of the mission are still lacking causing conditions in the work such as community pride, harmony of values between individuals in the organization does not support optimal teaching, community service and research. Lack of success in carrying out education and teaching,
Pages: 3777-3785
Keywords: Servant leadership, performance, lecturers, North Sulawesi